Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Bob Says...

Decent fan-subbing article: http://news.com.com/Anxious+times+in+the+cartoon+underground/2100-1026_3-5557177.html?tag=st.num

I say:

This is another chapter in the "ownership society" debate. Most people agree with the idea of private ownership, including the ownership of creative ideas and media. But they also feel the public has a right to a certain amount of unfettered use of these items. ("Does someone deserve the right to own the 'happy birthday' song? You bet! Do I have to get their permission or pay a royalty for singing it at a birthday party? No way!")

This is a relatively recent debate, remember. It was not so many generations ago that nobody owned a song or story. I'm never sure where the dust will finally settle..Or IF it will ever settle.


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