Friday, August 10, 2007

Great Newsbuster Comment

With a post entitled, AP: All Bush Has Left are White, Church-Going Men, you know you're going to be in for some good conservative dropping of the veneer of civility and decency.

A lot of the comments fall along the line of "Well, I'm a woman, who supports Bush, so how come the AP doesn't say women as a group support Bush. " But then you get one like this:

If someone did the math, they'd discover that as a % of population White men are the most law-abiding, taxpaying, fair-minded people on Earth.

It's too bad that doing the math today would put you in jail for a "hate-crime."
The biggest problem America faces today is it's rapid loss of it's Caucasian base. If New Orleans is a "chocolate" city because it was 70% Black, wouldn't that make America a White Nation since 100% of it's founding citizens were White? Or is that a mean question?
<>Granted, we're not a White Nation any longer, but wouldn't it be fair to at least admit that we ONCE were? Our politicians are using tax money paid overwhelmingly by Whites, to buy the votes of non-Whites for their bigger-government schemes.

I was goint to put the most offensive comments in bold, but that would mean putting 90% of it in bold.

Newbusters has a Terms of Use statement that prohibits "defamatory, libelous or abusive language."


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