Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Bob Says: Base closings NOT non-partisan

Bob forwarded me this take on the proposed Base Closings. And I think it's on the money.

130+ base closings announced.

Base closings affecting Democratic districts as well as republicans ones.

The media says that the base closings are not political for this reason.

The media talks about how certain Repubs will fight to keep bases open.

People think, oh the soldiers will hate Repubs now for the same reason they hated Clinton.

But wait, all might not be as it seems. Next in this fight.

I predict. Repub senators will be successful in "saving" their bases and Dems will be unsuccessful. You can imagine the campaign commercials now in '06.

Repub challengers will run commercials saying how the incumbent is responsible for the economic deterioration of the town (when W has already done that. But they need another reason to blame).

Incumbent Repubs will run commercials saying how they saved the town.

Soldiers and their families will damn Dems and proclaim the sainthood of Repubs. repubs will ignore who started this thing. Voila '06 victory!

We need to be smart and know that this is coming. Don't let people forget it is Repubs suggesting this. Start now or they people will forget. Say it a million times that in the end it will be politics that affects the closures. This way we have a win-win in '06. Either what I have said will happen anyway and people will associate it with politics. It will make people sick. Or they will have to close all the bases and people will hate them for it.

If we do not jump on this now, you'll all see that this is the first shot over the bow for '06.


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