Bob Says:
Sometimes, ya just have to say it!
True, Bob, but as this is for the time being a family blog, you'll have to click the link for the uncensored version
Rude Pundit
..."This manufactured uproar over Dean all started in earnest (this time) with his appearance on Meet the Press on May 22, where, in so many words, Dean said, "Republicans are vile [censored] who deserve nothing less than to be [censored] by legions of diarrhea-ridden cows. They have [censored] the Congress, the Presidency, the judiciary, and the world. Now why should I play nice with those[censored] evil powermad [censored] like Tom DeLay?" And then the fun started, with Bill O'Reilly, who really ought to be [censored] with a microphone, vomiting out that Howard Dean was "a bitter and increasingly incoherent man." Last night, O'Reilly attacked Dean again, saying he was "nonsensical." But, of course, O'Reilly also was begging Dean to come on his show. Because, you see, Bill O'Reilly is a[censored]. Look, Dean's the party chair. His job is to raise money, rally the troops, and bring people into the party. His success or failure is measured in bank accounts and mailing lists. And he's a failed presidential candidate. The party establishment could have tossed him out to the exile pile with Al Gore, who keeps making amazing, passionate, intelligent speeches with all the impact of a [censored] at a System of a Down concert. But instead, the Democratic power elite decided to use Dean and his grassroots army of e-mail savvy warriors to regain relevance. They knew what they were getting. And if Dean becomes the lightning rod, so much the better for whoever is running in 2008. Besides, ain't it fun to watch Hannity and Coulter and Gingrich and Hume and all the other hate-filled sociopaths flail about and try to take Dean down? You've seen Dean's arms? Big, thick [censored]. He can bear it. And he can throw it back at them. As long as those behind him don't put him in handcuffs "
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