Monday, June 06, 2005

You Know Who I Hate? Mickey Kaus.

Mickey Kaus, The Democrats' own Doctor Smith looks at a recent NYT article on the increasing disparity of wealth. [bold words in the original]

What he doesn't answer is the important question on the relationship between (a) and (b), namely how much richer would they have gotten if they hadn't gotten the tax cuts? ... When I looked at this question in the early 90s, the answer was pretty clear: the rich were growing richer due to changes in the underlying economy (e.g. greater rewards for skills) that affected their pretax income, not changes in the tax code

Well, here's the big question you avoided, Mickey: If the rich keep getting richer, why is the tax burden being shifted off them?

Mickey then goes on to suggest that the reporter

seems to assume we'll be so outraged that the "hyper-rich" are getting tax cuts at all that we won't ask if denying them the tax cuts would actually be enough to stop them from getting richer.

Of course, this is an assumption of Mickey's part. Mickey has cast this as a class envy issue. Mickey ignores the fact that the article also shows that since 1980 "the share earned by the bottom 90 percent fell."

I could go on, but I'd just get pissed. I hate Mickey Kaus.

P.S. My spell check suggests I replace "Mickey's" with "Miscue's". That brightened my mood a bit.


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