Sunday, February 12, 2006

Cheney follows in the footsteps of Aaron Burr...

(I was supposed to publish this two months ago, but left it in my "edit" file by mistake. I herby post it, too little, too late.)

And shoots a guy in the face.

That guy is Harry Whittington.

Here's a recent story about him, predating his Veep mauling. Apparently, he's pretty well to do...

But wait! There's more! He took over the Texas Funeral Service Commission after former executive director Eliza May "sued the state, Houston-based SCI, and SCI's CEO Robert Waltrip, alleging that she was fired after she and other agency employees found numerous violations of state law by the company's funeral homes. As a result of the investigations done by May, the agency recommended that SCI be fined $445,000. So far, the company has not been required to pay the fine.

"May, who was fired by the The FSC's board in February, claims that state legislators and Bush's office interfered with her agency's investigation in order to help SCI, the world's largest funeral company. Waltrip is a longtime friend of the Bush family and has contributed at least $45,000 to Bush's political campaigns; CNN reported recently that Waltrip and his associates have contributed nearly $62,000 to Bush's campaign."

And he's still in charge of it:

I've read nothing to suggest that Whittington isn't a decent public servant. But I hope this story brings one of W.'s worst pre-presidential scandals back to the forefront.


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