Wednesday, April 11, 2007

My latest Newsbusters comment is on the Alternative Minimum Tax.

My actual opinion as that these guys are being the willing or unwilling cogs in the right-wing media machine. All during the pushing of the initial Bush tax cut plan(s), all discussion of the Alternative Minimum Tax (A complicated tax originally aimed at the very wealthy but now hitting more and more Americans) was squelched by the Bush Administration and their allies, because they were trying to monkey with the numbers so that the cost of the tax cut wouldn't exceed the "projected" surplus. So they lied about it and now want to make an issue out of it now that the Democrats are in power and the budget is hopelessly shot to hell already.

But I've come to the opinion that being concise and a little sneaky is a better approach, so I just quoted and linked to Robert S. McIntyre, the founder of Citizens for Tax Justice, who has been dogging the Bush Administration for years on this.

Of course, the smarter ones will figure out who I'm citing and go ballistic. That might be fun. Then the stupider ones will follow. That could be funner.

Here's the comment:

Howard_Beale Says:
April 11, 2007 - 23:04

Anyone who reads Robert S. McIntyre of Citizens for Tax Justice has seen this coming for years.

"Right now, the only people that want to know about AMT are the ones
that are paying it. It's a small segment," said Robert McIntyre,
director of Citizens for Tax Justice. "If they don't do something about
it in the next few years, you'll have a lot of people with loud voices
complaining a lot."

--That was back in July 2001


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