Tuesday, June 14, 2005

It's Not Justice When the Cloth Covers Everything on Your Face EXCEPT Your Eyes

From Reuters via the Daily Kos

On a voice vote and without opposition, the Senate passed a resolution expressing its regrets to the relatives as well as to the nearly 5,000 Americans -- mostly black males -- who were documented as having been lynched from 1880 to 1960 [...]
No lawmaker opposed the measure, but 20 of the 100 senators had not signed a statement of support of it shortly before a vote was taken on a nearly empty Senate floor.

"I think it's politics. They're afraid of losing votes from people of prejudice," Duster said of those who did not sign the statement of support.

Silly Senators. You didn't need a voice vote to hide your identities. What do you think these were invented for?

P.S. Kos had found them all, and they're all Republicans.


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