Thursday, April 17, 2008

Superhero Geekdom: The Big Three and Why

My first essay in college was about the three most popular comic book
superheroes, and why they were so. It was pretty good for a first try,
but I realized just the other day that I'd overlooked something.

My essay looked at the characters' different reasons for being appealing as being in opposition to one another.

But there's another way to look at it.

They form a troika.

From Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, 1601:


In my stars I am above thee; but be not afraid of greatness: some are
born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Star Trek Meets Monty Python

No comment necessary...

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Conservatives are Mean SOBs

I mean, just nasty. I find this out too often when I go to Newsbusters, my one conservative slanted website.

They don't just hate people who look different or act differently in the
bedroom. They are against anyone they perceive as weak, like uninformed
consumers or seniors who aren't media savvy.

Take this post, in which seniors who don't know that if they don't use
a government coupon now to get a digital converter for their TV sets,
then they won't get any television reception in February.

The utter contempt for the elderly is stunning. The poster even makes a passing snarky reference to those old liberal myths that some old people have trouble paying for heat and food.

Of course, these SOBs know darn well that a lot of seniors are impoverished and easy prey as consumers. All the more reason not to help them.

I'm going to hold down some lunch and excerpt some of the responses:
So the Imperial Federal Government has
taken a time-out from bailing out idiot mortgage lenders and
confiscated an additional $1.5bil. of our tax dollars (assuming they didn't have to borrow it from the Chicoms*) to buy votes from old couch potatos***.

Don't forget that lady in New Orleans who is on welfare and has a 60" flatpanel HD TV. That explains the article being about the eldery.

Its a bird, its a plane, no, its SOCIALISM TO THE RESCUE!!!!!

The poor guy probably voted democrat his entire life, and all he has to
show for it is the half naked picture of some guy, a 13" t.v. with an
indoor antenna, a one room apartment in a converted motel, and no

This may seem cruel, but I think the painting is entitled "Potrait of the Dejected Looser** Who Can't Afford a Converter as a Young Man". In the WaPo story, the photo is larger and the potrait is much clearer. Back when it was painted, he couldn't afford shirts.

*Chicoms = conservative nickname for Chinese Communists
** Looser = How, in the age of spellcheck, some people spell "loser."
*** Apparently, Dan Quayle is a regular poster.