Thursday, March 31, 2011

Screw Continuity

I was encouraged to hear that the new Justice League movie will include Batman and Superman, but outside of whatever continuity and actors that will be in their solo film projects. This strikes me as the perfect way to proceed.

It was in the '80s that I decided that too much continuity could get in the way of a good comic book. At the time, DC has not quite fully committed itself to Marvel comics-style continuity, and I decided I like it. "I like Batman in Detective Comic, and I like Batman in Justice League, but the Batman in Justice League couldn't possibly be the same one as in Detective Comics. The Detective Comics Batman would never leave Gotham City.

Even though DC has longs since committed itself to a shared universe concept, the proliferation of Elseworlds/alternate dimensional plane stories has effectively led to a wide range of stories whose contradictions with the rest of the continuity bothers no one because of the context its placed in.

I look forward to the movie and hope it's good.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Jack the Giant Killer: the musical

Jack the Giant Killer is a movie famous for being something Ray Harryhousen fans like to watch, even if it isn't as good as something Ray Harryhausen would make.

It isn't a perfect movie, but it still didn't deserve this.

Apparently, the producer decided to pick up some extra scratch by re-releasing the picture as a musical.

The weird result is posted below.

I guess here I could riff on what other movies you could do this with, but anything seems about as funny. The Godfather? Avatar? What movie would look good with this treatment?

Still, it has its polar opposites, like I'll Do Anything, a musical movie in which the songs were excised before release.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Darling Recall: some demographics and statistics

Darling Recall: some demographics and statistics

A great, devastating collection of depressing American statistics and the red states that are at the bottom of every list.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Today I posted my 1000th Answer on Yahoo Answers

I've been on Yahoo! Answers for a couple of years now, and I just posted my 1000th answer. It was quickly selected as "best answer," which is hopefully a good omen.

It started out as a secret account, but my brother Bill stumbled across my avatar one day and quickly concluded it was me.

I really didn't think anyone would ever find me that way. The 'net is so vast that I figured that so long as I didn't put down any specific info like my name, a photo, etc., no one will ever recognize me. So I freely picked a cartoon avatar that sort of looked like me, named it after an obscure Groucho Marx character, and began to post stuff about left wing populism, Frankenstein movies, and other stuff I like.

Now I'm just glad I didn't post anything really embarrassing on there.

Apparently, someone has been following me. Bill says it isn't him, but someone recently voted a whole lot of my answers as best answer, even breaking tie votes on questions over two years old. I'm still not sure if it's just a random individual, or someone I know.

Monday, March 14, 2011

My Anime Girlfriend

This series of videos with a guy dating a female anime character pretty much sticks to the obvious (I barely follow Japanese animation, but I could have written most of these gags in my first draft), but it's still pretty funny.

The girlfriend is voiced by Abby Elliott, daughter of Chris Elliott, who is the son of Bob Elliot. May their dynasty continue to flourish!

UPDATE: I'll try that again:

Friday, March 11, 2011

This Being a Blog CAlled "Monster Indeed!," I Have Decided to Make a Blog Post About a Monster

Thursday, March 10, 2011

This has the Potential to be the 2nd Greatest Balloon Themed Computer Animated Film of the Last Three Years

IAM Entertainment Developing Film Based on Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

"Heat Vision reports that Glassgold and Brothers have secured the rights to develop a feature film based on the parade through their IAM Entertainment banner. Macy’s senior VP Robin Hall says “We are always searching for the next Miracle on 34th Street.” Glassgold and Brothers are meeting with writers and exploring various concepts, including one where the floats come to life."

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Real-life UP house attempted

They built one for real, but will it fly?

Thursday, March 03, 2011

You Might be a Conservative...

...If you hate elitists, limousine liberals, and class warfare.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Riverdale Fan Trailer

Life as a modern teen isn't all Sugar-Sugar.