Wednesday, July 09, 2008

I return to Newsbusters!! (crickets chirping)

My response to the Newsbusters story that--horrors of horrors--a Black-oriented cable channel has chosen to cover the Democratic National Convention, but not the Republican one. (Gee, wonder why?)

Here's my response:

This isn't unprecedented. The GOP arranged for the 1996 Republican National Convention to be covered on the Family Channel.

The Republican party is taking a do-it-yourself approach to televising its convention in San Diego next month. GOP TV, the party's in-house TV arm, will cover the four-day convention (Aug. 12-16) and air the proceedings in prime time over the The Family Channel, a cable network controlled by evangelist and former Republican presidential candidate Pat Robertson.

The DNC received no such coverage on the Family Channel.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Bambi's Mom Had it Coming

NRA fights to allow guns at Disney World

Monday, July 07, 2008

Paramount Horror Films Owned by Universal

I have to damit, there are a lot more of these than I once thought.

A good deal, if not most of them, probably have iffy status as horror films. Some sound like noir-ish thrillers or gothic meloframas, but it's a pretty good scope fo films, and I hope Universal starts releasing them soon, especially with mos tof their own classic horror library already out on DVD.

The ones form this list that they've already released include Dr. Cyclops and Ghostbreakers.