Thursday, January 22, 2009

Drudge favors TV Over Teh Internets

The Drudge Report has a link titled,

REAGAN BEATS OBAMA: 41,800,260 to 37,793,008...

Funny thing is, if you follow the link and read the story, you'll see it only covers Nielsen television ratings. In fact, the same story links to a source that estimates Obama's inaugaration attracted 5.4 million viewers per minute.

Funny that a guy like Drudge would pretend that internet viewing doesn't exist.

But then, it didn't in 1981.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

As you now know, there were a few slip-ups when Chief Justice Roberts aministered the oath of office to Barack Obama.

well, now we know why. You see a couple of coaches had been employed to help them rehearse the oath, but the two experts got distracted by an argument over sports.

Fortunately, a bystander managed to film the whole thing.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Decline of the UK's Channel 4

Until I read this news item at, I had no idea about its financial and creative decline. You mean this was the channel that was responsible for (the British) Big Brother?

It's a shame. Back in '88 when I was in the UK for six months, Channel 4 was one of only four options on the TV dial; it was also the lowest budgeted and least watched, but I loved it. It always had stuff that was different and interesting. Even then it showed goofy stuff like Sumo wrestling, American Football (which, even when popular, was more like a cartoon than a sport to most Brits), and "Lost in Space", but there was precious little goofiness (as opposed to mediocre and boring) stuff on any television.

Seems to me the problem was that C4 eventually thought goofy was the way to go. The greatness of Channel 4 wasn't that it was willing to show silly stuff. It was it's willingness to do what no one else was doing. And nowadays, who doesn't do goofy?

Friday, January 16, 2009

What's Worse than Watching "An American Carol?"

Answer: Watching An American Carol with the DVD commentary soundtrack on!

Thankfully, the heroic folks at the A.V. Club's "Commentary Tracks of the Damned" have done the ugly task for you, resulting in what might be their funniest column yet.

The very thought of the film's creators doing a postmortem on their notorious financial, critical, and political flop is so hilarious, I've got half a mind to rent it.