Thursday, June 16, 2011

Servicable Villains

Guest-Blogged by my brother Bill:

Since the universe has only 10 heroes, what would the 10 villains be.

I know you said 10 villains per hero, but that would take a lot of time. Some of these guys would be able to mix it up with more than 2 of the heroes, and ancillary characters such as henchmen would keep things interesting.

This is a tough list and you might improve on it. I know Pym sounds strange, but I always thought that his turning was never exploited to it's full potential. There are so many villains-turned-hero, I think the opposite would be intriguing.

Darkseid. A villain who defines evil.
Dr Doom. A mastermind/despot/scientific genious
Kingpin. A ruthless mob boss who can still go toe-to-toe with a hero
Dracula. A classic monster who could pose problems for even Superman
Juggernaut. Super strong, and a challage for the mightier heroes.
Sandman. A shapeshifter, elemental. Might be used as a goon by the bigger villains.
Joker. An unpredictible, elusive psychopath.
Hank Pym. An hero turned bad. His biggest failing would be his inability to atone for his past crimes.
Gorilla Grodd. for some reason, everyone loves gorillas. He has a good assortment of powers
Deathstroke the Terminator. Good assassin type.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Ten-Superhero Universe

This started when I was thinking how most superhero universes are quite crowded.

I began to wonder: suppose I could put any established heroes into a comic book universe, but could use no more than ten, which ones would I choose.

Here's what I came up with:

The Ten-Superhero Universe

1) Superman

Still the template upon which all other superheroes are based. Any good universe needs somebody as the prime heroes are based.

Elements covered:

Ultimate power

Ultimate Goodness




2) The first and biggest major deviation from the Superman mold. Dark where Superman is light, human where Superman is superhuman, he’s managed to eclipse the big guy and may do so for years to come.

Elements covered:



Mystery Man



Big Brain

3) Wonder Woman

The natural female counterpart of Superman, with an added mythological angle, she’s a lesser but still indispensable part of a good mythos.

Elements Covered:





4) Spiderman

Belongs because he doesn’t belong. He’s arguably the first, and inarguably the best, misfit hero. His youth also adds a vital element.

Elements Covered:




5) Iron Man

Okay, He probably would not have made the list without that hit movie, but that’s enough to convince anyone he deserves a spot as the universe’s big brain/tech master, with a suit of armor to go with it. As a real playboy bachelor (as opposed to Bruce Wayne), he adds a unique personality as well.

Elements Covered:


Big Brain




6) Hulk

I considered categorizing him as a supervillain (or more appropriately, foe) of Superman, but his appeal is too big and primal to ignore. He can trade villains with Superman and several others, and his brainy alter ego is a true scientist, unlike Batman’s detective and Iron Man’s engineer.

Elements Covered:


Ultimate Power


7) Plastic-Man

Maybe no one will ever do him as well as Jack Cole, but his weirdness and humor is indispensible. While Spiderman seems too real a person to be a hero, Plastic Man seems too weird of a superhero to be real.





8) Zatanna

I really though this was going to be Dr. Strange, my favorite mystical hero, but basically any such character could fill this niche, and Zatanna adds a needed distaff element.

Elements Added:




9) Wolverine

This is a character I honestly do not like very much, but he fills a vital modern niche and makes for good conflict with the “nice” superheroes.

Elements Added:





10) Spawn

Finally, a bit of the macabre. Spawn is probably the best-known example of the surprisingly long list of heroes who got their start by dying (Deadman, The Spectre. Swampt-Thing, etc.) Grim humor, and a lonely quest will give him plenty to do.

Elements Added:





(Ancillary characters like Supergirl, Robin, Doc Sampson, etc. could also be allowed. And I'd allow ten villains for each hero. But that's for another blog post...)

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

A decade of Debt in One Minute

Sunday, June 05, 2011

To True to Be Funny...

Palin's fans rewrite wiki history of Paul Revere

Friday, June 03, 2011

Sarah Palin on the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

If Palin had it any more wrong she'd have credited Revere with writing "Indian Reservation (The Lament of the Cherokee Reservation Indian)."