My Question to You, Dear Readers (Both of You)
Here's' a question to my loyal readers, all two or three of you:
Basically, this guy Alan Skorski has a blog which is dedicated to publicizing his book, Pants on Fire, an attack on Al Franken announced for October to ride the coattails of Franken's own upcoming book.
Well, this guy runs a counter strike against Al's upbraiding of Bill O'Reilly for flagrantly taking Senator Joe Biden's words out of context.
Here's his post. And here's the exchange between us that it prompted.
Basically, his argument hinges on two points:
1) O'Reilly did not take Biden out of context because they want two different kinds of independent commissions. Biden wants one to close Gitmo and O'Reilly wanted one that would exonerate the president. (I argued that whatever conclusions they hoped the commission would reach, O'Reilly and Biden wanted the same kind of commission: an independent one, as in one that didn't have a predetermined decision. He didn't buy it.)
2) He wrote an email to Howard Kurtz, who "denied saying anything resembling what Franken attributed to him." (I asked for the complete, unedited transcript of their exchange. He said it would be in the book.)
I thought about replying again, but my question to you my loyal readers or maybe reader: Should I try to set the record straight, or am I just wasting my time arguing with a guy who is either dishonest, not very bright, or maybe both?
If your exchange is made public, it is worth doing. Not because you'll change HIS mind, but you will be providing a template/example/argument for the rest of the world that has to go home and deal with conservative parents/friends/neighbors.
I see that you are a Kinks fan.
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