Friday, July 15, 2005

This is One Fox No One in Britain Wants to See Unhunted

My bother Bill lives in the UK. Fortunately, he's a good distance from London. Unfortunately, he has cable, and his cable package has Fox news:

It's been a week since the London Bombings. For all of Fox's moaning that the World doesn't respect, sympathize or cooperate with (obey) America enough, the network's coverage of the event has ranged from "gee, isn't that too bad" to "serves them right for not being more racist". I saw that clown from the Weekly Standard on Hume's round table, pushing Bush's get-them-before-they-get-you strategy. He stressed that these terrorists were British Citizens and probably not suspected prior to the bombings. I was wondering what he was leading up to. Could he have realized that a pre-emptive strike against such an internal threat is impossible? No, he simply meant that we have to watch what sort of Brits are allowed into the United States! What sort of good that viewpoint is supposed to do the USA's unquestioning ally escapes me. Just like Bush, the gist of the whole network is that "our problems are the World's problem, but the World's problems are their own"


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