Fox Newstach is Still Dead
On Newshounds I shared some thoughts about the ruination of Fox New's last good show, "Fox NewsWatch."
"Monster, Indeed" - The Burgomaster (E. E. Clive) in BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN
On Newshounds I shared some thoughts about the ruination of Fox New's last good show, "Fox NewsWatch."
Well, the reality based blog community is already sending out alarms about how the 60 Minutes broadcast segment about the alleged railroading of Alabama's former Democratic Governor Don Siegelman was blacked out in parts of Alabama.
Fox News has dropped Eric Burns, the conservative but fairminded host of Fox News Watch, the network's news media criticism show.
This is a good article about a myth that seems to be one of the few taking on a new myth: that GW Bush is an unpopular failure because he failed to be truly conservative like Ronald Reagan.
That's what I kept asking.
This linked article is a good rundown in the basic differences between how the Democrats and Republicans award their delegates from the primaries.