Wednesday, March 30, 2005

"Just a flesh wound"

Remember the Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail?

Well, Fox News does, and they want to help him.

Back to Iraq
"Amputee soldiers rebuilding their lives dream of returning to active duty"

I'm not against any soldier who willingly goes back into a war zone after losing a limb.

But this rah-rahing of amputees back to the front line smacks of desperation and exploitation.

Black Knight: Have at you.
King Arthur: You are indeed brave, sir knight, but the fight is mine.
Black Knight: Oh, had enough eh?
King Arthur: Look, you stupid bastard. You've got no arms left.
Black Knight: Yes I have.
King Arthur: Look.
Black Knight: Just a flesh wound.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Bush's Finger is on the Social Security Scale

You know, when the Social Security Trustees Report (God, the gov site is beginning to read like a paid ad by the GOP, or maybe a declaration from the old Soviet Union) came out a couple of years ago and showed yet again an increase in the long-term predicted solvency of the system, I predicted that the Bush Admin would want to change the math behind the calculation to get a more pessimistic result.

Now Tapped (great blog!) found this blogger, Brad DeLong, who did the actual homework and yes, they did monkey with the calculations.

I wonder if any other tweaks to the math have been done since Bush came to office?

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

I've Got the Solution to the Terry Schiavo Case!

Marry Terry Schiavo to Elian Gonzalez.

he's eleven but all things considered, he's probably mature for his age.

Elian gets citizenship, Terry gets a new legal guardian, everybody's happy.

And if he tries to pull the plug, we deport him as a spy. And if she recovers and objects to a husband who wasn't even born before she went into a vegetative state, she goes in the hoosegow for pandering.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Bob Says...

This stuff is a hoot!

It's called "Fun with Hate Radio", and it IS a hoot!

Learn how to get onto right-wing talk shows and yank their chains. Drudge must be the biggest patsy, allowing the caller to totally dominate the call. Savage, of course, can dish it out but can't take it.

Don't know for sure if these transcripts are for real, but still good reading!

So what is the Pope then?

So much for the woods theory.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Bush's Top Ten Excuses for Bailing on Social Security "Reform"

  1. I decided I already fixed it.
  2. My plan looks better when it's not actually implemented.
  3. ...Or proposed.
  4. ...Or scrutinized.
  5. Social Security Plan? What Social Security Plan?
  6. You know what would really fix Social Security? Tort reform!
  7. AARP kidnapped my children and made them gay.
  8. Campus Republicans gave away the surprise ending.
  9. I had to get back to bankrupting the rest of the government.
  10. Unless the Democrats agree to come around, the only way to pass this would be if the Republicans dominating the House and Senate actually believed in it.

Drudge Corrected on!

My Brother wrote me with the good news:

Your correction to the trivia on Matt Drudge has gone through. Thanks for
striking a blow for liberal truth against the conservative ethos of 'if we say it often enough and with enough disgust in our tone, it becomes true!

Thanks, that's good to hear. I sometimes wonder if this is just whistling in the dark, but it really does feel good to know that the net is short one falsehood.

Now if IMDB would only run that brilliant "goof" I submitted for the Benny Hill movie, "Who Done it?"

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Fox Hunting!

My brother emailed me:

Say, how do I search the Blogger site for mentions of Fox News. My

For Fox News, try

Run by the truly repentant former GOP hit man David Brock, They catch liars by the toe and don't let go.


Set up by the volunteer researchers of the film Outfoxed. They decided they had just gotten warmed up.