Screw Continuity
I was encouraged to hear that the new Justice League movie will include Batman and Superman, but outside of whatever continuity and actors that will be in their solo film projects. This strikes me as the perfect way to proceed.
It was in the '80s that I decided that too much continuity could get in the way of a good comic book. At the time, DC has not quite fully committed itself to Marvel comics-style continuity, and I decided I like it. "I like Batman in Detective Comic, and I like Batman in Justice League, but the Batman in Justice League couldn't possibly be the same one as in Detective Comics. The Detective Comics Batman would never leave Gotham City.
Even though DC has longs since committed itself to a shared universe concept, the proliferation of Elseworlds/alternate dimensional plane stories has effectively led to a wide range of stories whose contradictions with the rest of the continuity bothers no one because of the context its placed in.
I look forward to the movie and hope it's good.