"Bill, Our Marriage is Dysfunctional in Two Contradictory Ways"
Everybody but Ed Klein seems to think Ed Klein said that Bill Clinton raped Hillary Clinton, resulting in the birth of Chelsea Clinton.
Funny, but I'll be a lot of people all excited about this new Hillary "character issue" also loved the old claim that Hillary once screamed, "Bill I need to be f***** more than twice a year!"
Apparently this comes from Jeffrey Toobin's book "A Vast Conspiracy". State Trooper Roger Perry told it to David Brock when Brock was the right-wing media's top journalist and was investigating the "Troopergate" story. (I have read this book, but it was years ago, and I no longer have a copy. This information is from the web article at the beginning of this paragraph.)
On the net, of course, I've also seen the source for this quote identified as Gennifer Flowers or an anonymous "friend" of Hillary. Conservatives can never be accused of single-sourcing a quote, eh?
Of course, the claims are completely contradictory, but that doesn't matter to The Clintons' foes. As long as Bill & Hillary are portrayed as sexually dysfunctional their enemies don't really care in what way.
BTW, Ed Klein has been "Walter Scott" of "Walter Scott's Personality Parade" for Parade magazine since 1991. I find this funny, since (as my fiancee can attest) I've been following that column for years just to read its incredibly pro-Republican biased political "answers."